
Click on the link below to read more about Clarity enhanced diamonds Clarity enhanced diamonds are diamonds that have undergone treatment to improve the visual appearance of included diamonds. This treatment doesn’t completely remove the intrinsic inclusions of the diamond but makes them less visible to the naked eye. A very thin channel is drilled by means of a laser to remove small inclusions or to open up larger inclusions within the diamond, after drilling the diamond can be cleaned by boiling in acid and, if necessary, the larger inclusions can be filled with a substance that resembles the characteristics of diamonds. With normal use this treatment will last however, the filling can be removed and/or damaged by extreme heat or cleaning like professionals do when repairing or sizing jewellery.

Click on the link below to read more about Clarity enhanced diamonds Clarity enhanced diamonds are diamonds that have undergone treatment to improve the visual appearance of included diamonds. This treatment doesn’t completely remove the intrinsic inclusions of the diamond but makes them less visible to the naked eye. A very thin channel is drilled by means of a laser to remove small inclusions or to open up larger inclusions within the diamond, after drilling the diamond can be cleaned by boiling in acid and, if necessary, the larger inclusions can be filled with a substance that resembles the characteristics of diamonds. With normal use this treatment will last however, the filling can be removed and/or damaged by extreme heat or cleaning like professionals do when repairing or sizing jewellery.

"此拍卖是 加工后的钻石首饰 的一部分"




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